Why Choose Us
We provide straightforward, sensible advice from local, experienced Personal Injury solicitors. We are really passionate about helping local people get the maximum compensation they deserve. While we may be a small firm, we will happily take on the biggest insurers. We often find that most of the people in these huge city insurance firms are only half as experienced as we are. Working for a huge firm gives them no advantage whatsoever.
Your claim will be handled by the same qualified solicitor from beginning to end. We don’t delegate to paralegals, file handlers or any other unqualified staff.
We offer a no-win no-fee agreement, so if your claim is unsuccessful then it costs you nothing at all. We don’t ask you to pay anything up-front either, so the cost of claiming is zero. We will even finance any out of pocket expenses such as medical reports. In other words, we take all the risks.

Same qualified solicitor from beginning to end.

Dedicated to maximising your compensation.

We take all the risks on your behalf.
What makes us Different?
Perhaps the most important aspect of our service is that we are happy to see you, in person, and discuss your claim at any stage. Not all Solicitors offer this service and many will try to tempt you to instruct them, when they are not even local. The fact that we are just on your doorstep means we can be there for you fully, every step of the way.
We like to deal with our clients face to face (in person or via a video call if you prefer). It’s so important for us to know that, at a time that can be emotionally draining, we can offer genuine, human support. Unlike all solicitors, you can truly put your trust in us and have peace of mind that your case will be understood completely and taken very seriously.
We're Dedicated to Securing you Maximum Compensation
At Atha & Co, we are dedicated to securing the maximum compensation for our clients. In fact, our real passion is achieving more compensation for them than they would get with any other law firm. We were delighted when we were recognised for this in some independent local research recently.
We firmly believe that asking more, thorough, detailed questions, significantly increases a clients’ pay-out. So, rather than asking the industry standard questions asked by many law firms, we go much further and uncover financial implications that are often missed.
Our clients come to us largely on the basis of our reputation and track record, and are often recommended by existing clients and professional colleagues. A satisfied customer is often the best advert (as you will see in our 5-star TrustPilot Reviews).
Unlike some solicitors, we don’t pay referral fees to insurance companies, claims management companies or any other organisations - we believe this can lead to a conflict of interest. This gives us the freedom to act and advise solely in your best interests.